Assisting Those in Need

We frequently get calls concerning rent assistance, child care funds, grocery money, gas money, and other important needs. While it pains us to say it, as a small church, Saint Mary's does not have significant resources to assist people in financial or other needs. We are unable to provide direct assistance to individuals in need at this time.

That said, if you have a need, please do not hesitate to use the Contact Us box, located in the left sidebar of the webpage. (If you are viewing this site on a mobile device, you may need to switch to web view in order to access the Contact box.) Please provide us with contact information, a brief overview of your situation, and specific needs (i.e., 'formula for an infant' instead of 'food for young children'). We do have connections within the community that may be able to assist you with material needs, and are aware of agencies in the community that assist with rent.

At this time, we are not aware of organizations that assist with short term housing (i.e., hotel or hostel), medical bills, or that give cash directly to individuals. 

If you do reach out via the Contact Us box, please be aware that the email goes directly to the parish pastor, who does work a full time as a hospital chaplain. It may take 24-36 hours to get a response while we seek a potential avenue for assistance.

While we may be small, it is our hope to positively impact our community. From time to time, Saint Mary's directly participates in efforts here in Johnson County to address community needs. We strongly support the Blessing Box / Little Free Pantry movement here in our area. 

If you need food assistance, we strongly encourage you to visit one of the many Blessing Boxes in the county. A map with pins for each box, and a list of boxes is available to you AT THIS LINK.