Sacramental Emergencies

Should a Sacramental emergency arise, and you are in need of a priest to provide pastoral care in an emergency, you may feel free to contact us at 317-560-4665. Our priest works full time as a hospital chaplain, and may not be able to respond immediately to non-parishioners during regular working hours. 

While our Sacraments are open to all baptized Christians, if you are not a member of our parish we do ask you to consider if your loved one would want to have ministry provided by a member of their home congregation or 'native' spiritual tradition. This is especially important to consider for Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Christians.

Generally, our pastor will celebrate Infant Baptisms, provide Communion, hear Confessions, and offer Anointing of the Sick in emergent situations. He will also celebrate Christian Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Communion) with adults who are capable of consenting, or whose family members can provide proof that they were in a formation program preparing for baptism in their own parish.