Our Worship

You are warmly invited to join us on Sunday mornings for the celebration of the Mass. We meet at 10:30 AM at Aspen Trace Family-first Senior Living, located at 3154 S. State Road 135 in Greenwood. 

Note: The sidebar of the website offers you a map to our location. If you are using a mobile device, you may need to switch to web view to see this map.

For those who may be unfamiliar with our order of worship, known as the Mass, we follow a fourfold movement during our time together:

Proclaiming and preaching
the Word of God
forms our minds and hearts
in the way of Christ.
Introductory Rites - We enter in song, join in repenting our sins and sharing a sign of reconciliation and peace, and enter into worship together with communal prayer.

Liturgy of the Word - We hear from the Sacred Scriptures each week, applying timeless truths to our contemporary era. We balance life application with core beliefs rooted in both Scripture and the ancient Creeds. This portion of the Mass concludes with a profession of our faith and a time of intercessory prayer.

Liturgy of the Eucharist - We are invited to share in the Holy Eucharist, where we commune with God through the Body and Blood of Christ, and in which our community here on earth is united and strengthened. 

Concluding Rites - After prayer, we are given a blessing and commission to head into the world in the strength of what we have shared as a community. The Mass is not the sum-total of our religious life, it is the spark of what we are called to experience and walk in throughout the week to come.

The celebration of the Eucharist
forms the summit of our weekly worship
at Saint Mary's Church.
Coming to the Table of the Lord

At Saint Mary's, we believe (as the ancient Church did) that the Eucharist is the food of all the baptized. Thus, one distinctive of our community is that all baptized Christians who are truly sorry for their sins are welcome to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion with us. This allows us to invite those in mixed (i.e., Catholic/Protestant or Catholic/Orthodox) marriages and blended families to share at the Lord's Table together. In addition to being baptized, those who come to the Table should also:
  • be admitted to the Eucharist in their own congregation
  • be repentant of their sins and seeking to live in newness of life in the Spirit
  • believe Christ is present, as he has promised, in the Sacrament.
If you have any questions about receiving the Eucharist with us, please feel free to connect with our pastor before your visit, or before worship.